Source code for linux_utils.atomic

# linux-utils: Linux system administration tools for Python.
# Author: Peter Odding <>
# Last Change: June 24, 2017
# URL:

Atomic filesystem operations for Linux in Python.

The most useful functions in this module are :func:`make_dirs()`,
:func:`touch()`, :func:`write_contents()` and :func:`write_file()`.

The :func:`copy_stat()` and :func:`get_temporary_file()` functions were
originally part of the logic in :func:`write_file()` but have since been
extracted to improve the readability and reusability of the code.

# Standard library modules.
import codecs
import contextlib
import errno
import logging
import os
import stat

# External dependencies.
from humanfriendly import Timer
from six import text_type

# Public identifiers that require documentation.
__all__ = (

# Initialize a logger for this module.
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def copy_stat(filename, reference=None, mode=None, uid=None, gid=None): """ The Python equivalent of ``chmod --reference && chown --reference``. :param filename: The pathname of the file whose permissions and ownership should be modified (a string). :param reference: The pathname of the file to use as reference (a string or :data:`None`). :param mode: The permissions to set when `reference` isn't given or doesn't exist (a number or :data:`None`). :param uid: The user id to set when `reference` isn't given or doesn't exist (a number or :data:`None`). :param gid: The group id to set when `reference` isn't given or doesn't exist (a number or :data:`None`). """ # Try to get the metadata from the reference file. try: if reference: metadata = os.stat(reference) mode = stat.S_IMODE(metadata.st_mode) uid = metadata.st_uid gid = metadata.st_gid logger.debug("Copying permissions and ownership (%s) ..", reference) except OSError as e: # The only exception that we want to swallow # is when the reference file doesn't exist. if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise # Change the file's permissions? if mode is not None: logger.debug("Changing file permissions (%s) to %o ..", filename, mode) os.chmod(filename, mode) # Change the file's ownership? if uid is not None or gid is not None: logger.debug("Changing owner (%s) and group (%s) of file (%s) ..", "unchanged" if uid is None else uid, "unchanged" if gid is None else gid, filename) os.chown(filename, -1 if uid is None else uid, -1 if gid is None else gid)
[docs]def get_temporary_file(filename): """ Generate a non-obtrusive temporary filename. :param filename: The filename on which the name of the temporary file should be based (a string). :returns: The filename of a temporary file (a string). This function tries to generate the most non-obtrusive temporary filenames: 1. The temporary file will be located in the same directory as the file to replace, because this is the only location somewhat guaranteed to support "rename into place" semantics (see :func:`write_file()`). 2. The temporary file will be hidden from directory listings and common filename patterns because it has a leading dot. 3. The temporary file will have a different extension then the file to replace (in case of filename patterns that do match dotfiles). 4. The temporary filename has a decent chance of not conflicting with temporary filenames generated by concurrent processes. """ directory, basename = os.path.split(filename) return os.path.join(directory, '.%s.tmp-%i' % (basename, os.getpid()))
[docs]def make_dirs(directory, mode=0o777): """ Create a directory if it doesn't already exist (keeping concurrency in mind). :param directory: The pathname of a directory (a string). :returns: :data:`True` if the directory was created, :data:`False` if it already existed. :raises: Any exceptions raised by :func:`os.makedirs()`. This function is a wrapper for :func:`os.makedirs()` that swallows :exc:`~exceptions.OSError` in the case of :data:`~errno.EEXIST`. """ try: logger.debug("Trying to create directory (%s) ..", directory) os.makedirs(directory, mode) logger.debug("Successfully created directory.") return True except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.EEXIST: # The directory already exists. logger.debug("Directory already exists.") return False else: # Don't swallow errors other than EEXIST because we don't # want to obscure real problems (e.g. permission denied). logger.debug("Failed to create directory, propagating exception!") raise
[docs]def touch(filename): """ The equivalent of the touch_ program in Python. :param filename: The pathname of the file to touch (a string). This function uses :func:`make_dirs()` to automatically create missing directory components in `filename`. .. _touch: """ logger.debug("Touching file: %s", filename) make_dirs(os.path.dirname(filename)) with open(filename, 'a'): os.utime(filename, None)
[docs]def write_contents(filename, contents, encoding='UTF-8', mode=None): """ Atomically create or update a file's contents. :param filename: The pathname of the file (a string). :param contents: The (new) contents of the file (a byte string or a Unicode string). :param encoding: The text encoding used to encode `contents` when it is a Unicode string. :param mode: The permissions to use when the file doesn't exist yet (a number like accepted by :func:`os.chmod()` or :data:`None`). """ if isinstance(contents, text_type): contents = codecs.encode(contents, encoding) with write_file(filename, mode=mode) as handle: handle.write(contents)
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def write_file(filename, mode=None): """ Atomically create or update a file (avoiding partial reads). :param filename: The pathname of the file (a string). :param mode: The permissions to use when the file doesn't exist yet (a number like accepted by :func:`os.chmod()` or :data:`None`). :returns: A writable file object whose contents will be used to create or atomically replace `filename`. """ timer = Timer() logger.debug("Preparing to create or atomically replace file (%s) ..", filename) make_dirs(os.path.dirname(filename)) temporary_file = get_temporary_file(filename) logger.debug("Opening temporary file for writing (%s) ..", temporary_file) with open(temporary_file, 'wb') as handle: yield handle copy_stat(filename=temporary_file, reference=filename, mode=mode) logger.debug("Moving new contents into place (%s -> %s) ..", temporary_file, filename) os.rename(temporary_file, filename) logger.debug("Took %s to create or replace file.", timer)